Awesome 5e Content Every Month

  • 1 Subclass - Play as the Pnemamancer and control the ghosts of beasts!
  • 1 Racial Template - transform any race into a playable Undead
  • 7 Stat Blocks - Fight the three necormancers of old, the Lady of Sorrows, the Red Witch, and Khaldhool the dragon! Battle against the Nether herald as it approaches with an army of dead, make friends with a pug haunt or fight on land sky and sea against a flying ghost shark!
  • 1 Monster Template - transform beasts, dragons and more into ghostly enemies
  • 10 Spells - expand your necromantic might!
  • 5 Encounters - ready to use encounters featuring the stats from this release
  • 5 Feats + 2 Deficiencies - customize your character!
  • 7 Items - wear a death mask, drink ancient tears, or raise Undead with magical items of old.
  • 3 Grafts - augment your body with gravedigging toes, lich fingers, and a bony exoskeleton
  • Lore for the Undead featured in this release
  • 14 VTT Tokens
  • 12 Maps (gridded and gridless versions of 6 unique maps)
  • Printable Item and Spell Cards

Check out our Kickstarter

Pit magic against science in this 180+ page 5e supplement!

Late Pledges Available
  • "I'm a $13 patron, to anyone who is thinking about signing up, I highly recommend it. More content than you could use in years, and higher quality than a lot of the more recent official books. It's absolutely worth it."   

    -Alex Crofton

  • "You are quite literally in my top three favorite content creators for Dungeons & Dragons. Please never retire and never lose your passion."   

    -Kaidan Redgrave  

  • "This is unbelievably badass"   


  • I've already said this before and I'll say it again, you guys are fantastic world builders. It's a shame that you guys are underated. It's basically a hidden gem in the world of DnD5e!

    -Breno Pelissoni

  • I loved the unique aspects and themes that you guys create, the crazy creatures like the golem locomotive to the entire theme of the Mages' war. I was very impressed with the high level of quality, thought, and balancing that goes into every bit of work you guys create. It shows the level of dedication, care, and passion the whole team and community has for the brand

    - Lunarskies117

  • (I love) the quality and how affordable everything was compared to many other homebrew creators -Ethan Hunter

    -Ethan Hunter

  • At first (i was drawn in by) the monster stat blocks, then I bought the sourcebooks and haven’t looked back

    - Archie Wyman

  • I've been playing Dungeons & Dragons for 6 yearsnow, always looking for a new ways to play and things to try. Only (the) CriticalCrafting Team were able to keep up with me for now with their flavorful playeroptions and fun new monsters to defeat. Also who wouldn't want to get to play acowboy or real necromancer, especially that these are not the only great thingsthey offer.

    – Prim

  • I have been following the Critical Crafting crew for a while, and I even picked up the loremaster tier on Patreon. If you're thinking about looking into buying their work, or even supporting their Patreon, you will find it incredibly worth it, for both the quality of content you receiveand the versatility (you) can use it for. No matter if you're a player or a DM, they cater to all players. The community is sincerely one of the best places I have found in small company dnd content creators, with the people being incredibly friendly and with the true light of passion they all have for the game is amazing. It truly is a close community who always welcomes players and dms, new and old with warm and open regards.

    – Luna Eclipse

  • (The first thing I noticed was) how beautiful the artwork was at first, but what keeps me coming back is how well balanced most of the magic items, monsters, and even subclasses/classes & races

    - Storm Giant of Asgard